Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Warmth Around the World

If you can knit, crochet, or quilt, then Reaching Out needs you!

Reaching Out’s Warmth Around the World project will donate children’s sweaters, hats, mittens, blankets, and quilts to orphanages in countries such as Russia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Nepal, and Kazakhstan. Orphanages in many of these countries are struggling to provide for the overwhelming number of children in their care. These countries often experience very cold winters and keeping all the children adequately bundled up can be a daunting task.

We’re looking for willing hands to help us make child-sized sweaters, hats, mittens, blankets, and quilts for orphanages abroad. Dust off your needles and recruit your friends and family, churches and schools! Your time and talent will help to warm a child in need!

Sweaters can be made from the simple patterns below or from a pattern of your choice. All children’s sizes are desperately needed and greatly appreciated. Donations of yarn are also appreciated and will be used by the knitters here at Reaching Out.

Blankets and quilts can be the size of a baby blanket up to twin bed sized and can be made from any pattern of your choice.

Hats and mittens should be sized infant through adolescent. They can be made with any pattern of your choice or store bought. Used hats or mittens should be clean.

Website has contact information and patterns you can use

Website HERE


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