Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Verbum: a Meditation on Genesis 1 and John 1 

In principio erat Verbum,
et Verbum erat apud Deum,
et Deus erat Verbum.

In the beginning,
In that place before time was,
In that place before space was,
In that place before place was,
In that place was the Word.
With God,
Loving God,
Was God.

In principio creavit Deus cælum et terram.
Terra autem erat inanis et vacua, et tenebræ erant super faciem abyssi:
et spiritus Dei ferebatur super aquas

Before the Breath of God hovered above the waters,
Before the Spirit of God danced above the waters,
Verbum erat,
The Word was,
Before the gift of physical light,
In ipso vita erat,
et vita erat lux hominum,
The Word was the light,
With God,
Loving God,
Was God.

Et Verbum caro factum est,
et habitavit in nobis:
et vidimus gloriam ejus,
gloriam quasi unigeniti a Patre
plenum gratiæ et veritatis.

The Sole Begotton,
The Light of Men,
He who through all things were made,
and tented among us
to touch us with his glory.


Susan E. Stone, 2007

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Monday, March 12, 2007

The Touch of Your Spirit 

O Lord, the touch of your Spirit
Fills my heart this day with song -
But I lift my heart in thankfulness,
A joy to know I belong
To you, my Lord and Master,
Who walks with me the whole day long.

O Lord, the touch of your Spirit,
A song of hope in the night,
A promise that there will be morning,
A knowledge that there will be light
Touches my soul with a soaring,
A foretaste of Heaven's delight.

O Lord, the touch of your Spirit
Reminds me of one darkest day
When you gave all in love's longing
Each trembling step of the way
To arise from the darkness with promise,
A love gift still precious today.

Best Bridegroom of all, my dear Master,
Who brings hope with a lover's delight,
Who whispers the words full of gladness
That shatters the terrors of night -
O keep me forever in your hands,
Forever in your loving sight.

Susan E. Stone, 2007

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Sunday, March 11, 2007

Let Me Walk 

Let me walk, O Lord,
in the ways of Your peace,
in the paths of Your love,
where hope does not cease,
by the streams of Your mercy
where my soul finds release,
Let me walk, O Lord, with Thee.

Let me learn, O Lord,
To stand tall with You
Where my soul finds its solace,
touched by the True.
Transformed by Your light
into something brand new.
Let me learn, O Lord, from Thee.

Be my strength, O Lord,
when the day turns to night,
when the storm clouds gather,
obscuring my sight.
Let your cross be my guide
until faith is made sight.
All my strength, O Lord, comes from Thee.

Let me hunger, O Lord,
For the true Bread of Life,
That cuts through my emptiness
like the edge of a knife,
touching me, healing me,
ending my strife,
O Thou true Bread of Life, stay with me!

Susan E. Stone, 2007

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Friday, March 09, 2007

At Your Cross 

Let me fly unto you, O Lord of my life
When the darkness is heavy with sorrow and strife,
Your light will cut through the dark like a knife,
O Lord, let me fly to your cross!

Let me hear your soft voice in my heart in the night,
O Lord, let it buoy me on the the light
Wherever I go, let me keep you in sight,
O Lord, keep me close to your cross!

A tool made for torture becomes love's bright shield
Transforming the weak into God's own ripe field,
Redeeming my soul if I answer and yield,
O Lord, through the gift of your cross!

Let me think of you often by night or by day,
Of that horrid hard Friday where Love had its way,
O fill my heart ever so that I long to say,
O Lord, keep me here at your cross!

Susan E. Stone, 2007

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In a world that swirls with anger, Lord,
teach me to love.
In a world that sees attack as a right and a joy,
teach me to cherish breaking the chains of hate.
In a world that seeks conformity in the name of tolerance,
teach me the patience to stand firm in peace.
In a world that seeks to strike out and hurt what it doesn't agree with,
teach me to follow in your footsteps,
in your way,
following your light,
touched by your love,
this day, and always.


Susan E. Stone

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Love Song (Meditation on Hosea 2: 16-17) 

So I will allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak to her heart....and she will respond there as in the days of her youth. - Hosea 2:16,17

O Lord, again and again I hear you calling,
Serenading us in the night,
A lover who never gives up his playing,
Calling us until morning light.

It doesn't matter that we are enamoured
of things that turn our heads away,
How vain we flutter, chasing others,
You wait there patiently til light of day.

How easy we are to be distracted
by things that flash in candlelight,
Toys and glitter, that shine and dazzle,
Tinsel promises in the night.

We do not deserve a love like yours
That stands so true while we chase on
Who picks us up when tinsel breaks
And other loves have left and gone.

When lost in the desert of our dreams,
O let us here your love's sweet song,
And surrounded by our shattered dreams,
Help us know where we went wrong.

O allure us, we who need your love,
Until we rest our hearts with you,
Beloved Lord, open our hearts,
Let us hear your song anew.

You are the source of light and love,
My cold life shatters when we're apart.
Hold me forever in your arms,
All my joy springs from your heart.

Susan E. Stone, 2007

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Sunday, February 11, 2007

In Hac Fide, In Hac Spe, In Hac Caritáte 

In hac fide, in hac spe, in hac caritáte:

In this faith, a faith whose seeds you planted in my heart, O loving Lord,
let me take my stand forever,
let it shape my life, day by day, in darkness or light,
until at last I stand where that faith is sight,
stripped of all my night.

In this hope, a hope you breathe into hot fire by the touch of your Spirit, O Lord,
let me take my comfort forever,
let it breathe your peace into my steps, day by day, in darkness or light,
until at last I stand, where my hope is proved real,
pure joy in your sight.

In this love, a love you offered by your death, hard and hot, O Lord of my life,
let me take my shelter forever,
let me, so well loved, share that love, day by day, in darkness or light
Until at last I stand, where my love is fulfilled,
dressed in your wedding robe of sparkling white.

In hac fide, in hac spe, in hac caritáte, vívere et mori státuo! Amen.

Susan E. Stone, 2007

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Thursday, February 08, 2007


Some crosses come of rough hewn wood,
Heavy the weight across the shoulders,
Rough the ropes that bind the arms
As the Son of man, marches in procession,
There to give His all for the likes of me.

Some crosses come in the barked orders of a cruel commander,
Selecting victims to die for retribution,
There one man shoulders his cross,
Replacing another to go down into that darkness,
Praising God each day, until, impatient,
They inject him with poison to speed him off to his Master.

Some crosses come in the shape of a long slow disease,
Stealing strength, freedom of movement,
And at last the ability to speak
From a loving man who spoke word after word,
Bearing his burden, in pain and patience
Day by day,
While the world watched, sometimes snickering,
Until at last, when it was time,
He returned home with a final amen.

Some crosses are simple, but hard to shoulder:
Smiling at the troubled spouse,
Being kind to a tired shop clerk,
Reaching out to someone who frustrates and hurts,
Walking a sick baby,

Help me, O Lord,
To carry the crosses you send me
With fortitude and love,
Whether in great things or little,
For love of You,
Because You ask it,
And always, through Your help,
This day, and always,

Susan E. Stone, 2007

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Monday, January 15, 2007

At This Time 

Now at this time when I come here to be
with just you and I, O most dear Lord of me,
Let me stand in your presence, all quiet and stilled,
Anchored on your words, O Lord, open and filled.
Anchored in your love, O Lord, which changes me,
Anchored to your cross, O Lord, which sets me free.
This be my resting place, my lamp in the night,
My ark in the flood, my fortress of light.
My solid rock are You, my hope and my way
Jesus, my Savior, guide me each day.
Dear Lamb of God who bore all to save me,
Teach me to love you more - how I want to be
Anchored here firm in what will not fade away,
Safe in your hand til I come home to stay.


Susan E. Stone, 2007

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Let Me Stand Here 

Now, in this moment, at this minute,
Let me stand here,
Firm, unmoved,
anchored on your words, O Lord,
anchored in your love, O Lord,
anchored to your cross, O Lord.
This be my resting place,
my fortress in the darkness,
my strength in the flood,
my sold rock,
my hope.
Jesus, Savior,
Lamb of God
You who take away the sins of the world,
teach me to love you more,
anchored here
in the love that will not fade,
in the palm of your hand.


Susan E. Stone, 2007

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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Abba, Father 

Abba, Father, hear me call You --
What a gift given by Your Son,
To call You, O most holy One,
And know You are my parent, too.

You, who breathed upon the water
At the dawning of all things,
You, the source from which all springs,
Let me call you Abba, Father.

Let Your name be ever holy
In our hearts and in our minds,
Yours the love that heals and finds
Place to care for weak and lowly.

Abba, Father, hear my prayer,
Shape me in Your loving hand,
Lover of my soul, I stand
Before You thankful for Your care.

Grateful, let my song arise,
Abba, Father, for your love
That lets my heart soar above --
Keep me ever in Your eyes.

Susan E. Stone, 2007

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Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Last Walk 

Each step, that day, O my Jesus, how hard it was,
that last, painful walk through the crowded holiday streets
beneath a burden incredibly hard to bear,
one foot following another,
a countdown you were born for,
each step one less to the time when you would walk no more
before tasting the depths of death.

Watching you in mind's eye, O my Jesus,
so many years after,
when the reality of this moment is doubted by so many in the world,
in my heart, seeing your blood and sweat streaked face marred beneath your thorny crown,
I contemplate your words, "Come to me, you who are heavy burdened," and know,
that as I watch you walk that short but o so long march
from the place of condemnation to the place of execution,
what weighs more on your shoulders than the hundred pounds of wood strapped to your arms
is the weight of so many sins,
my sins,
the griefs of a sin-drenched world
the darkness gnawing at the center of untold hearts,
a load you carried willingly
so that we might find rest.

O my Jesus,
may I, in my remembering,
learn to follow in your footsteps,
walking the road beneath the cross you give me
with as much love and willingness as my wavering heart can muster
for the love of the walk you took,
this day and always.


Susan E. Stone, 2006

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006


like a breath of wind, unseen but not unfelt,
whose presence breathes across the waters of my heart,
Breathing life into each breath I take,
surrounding me in my every move,
sharing in my every joy,
feeling the anguish of my every pain,
O Lord, Giver of life,
Comforter, Quickener, Spirit, Breath,
Direct my feet in the way they should go,
Fill my heart with that love I should have,
Teach me that trust that will let me always walk in the light,
Even through the grief,
Even through the pain
Even through the loss that comes merely with living.
And let me rest in the knowledge that you are here with me,
day by day,
giving me the words when I know not what to say,
giving me the hope to walk another step,
giving me the joy that comes unbidden
from the fountains of Heaven.
O Lord,
O Spirit,
O God,
Glory to you!

Susan E. Stone, 2006

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Monday, July 03, 2006

Each Day a Choice 

This is a day,
like any other day,
a day that beckons to us
in different ways,
but each day a choice:
Thou or Me,
my way, Lord,
or let me come to Thee.

Each day a renewal
of choice before me,
sometimes I lose
and say Me, not Thee.
Forgive me Lord,
when I stumble and fall,
for each day I acknowledge
that I hear your call.

My life is like grass
curing white in the sun,
a spark and it fires,
burns fast and is gone,
And when I am ash
and forgotten by all,
May I rest in your heart
having answered your call.

Susan E. Stone, 2006

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Monday, June 05, 2006

Prayer to the Sacred Heart 

O Sacred Heart,
so burning with the fire of love.
O Heart of my Savior,
Sanctuary of all grace,
all love,
all truth,
I adore you, I praise you, I bless you,
and I love you with all the strength and love
my poor heart has to give.

O Heart above all hearts,
forgive this poor, scarred heart of mine,
so often choosing not to love,
not to listen to your call,
cold when you would fill it with fire,
rebellious when you would lead me beside the still waters,
unfaithful wihen you wiould fill it full with your grace.

Forgive me, O Fount of endless mercy,
I who deserve to be cast out of your presence and into the endless darkness,
but who through your mercy find myself here,
at the fount of the Living Water.

O Bridegroom beyond all others,
by your cross,
by the very act of your choosing to be the Victim of love,
by your loving self-sacrifice in the Eucharistic Presence
that feeds my very soul with your own loving self,
I beg you, O Heart of Divine Mercy,
to forgive me for all those times,
all those sins
of ingratitude,
lack of faithfulness,
and all the other wrongs I have done to you,
whom I should love with an undivided heart.

With tears of contrition and grief for what I have wrought,
I come before you
longing to make whatever reparation I can,
token of my love for you,
knowing that truly they could never make up for what you are willing to give,
but yet, Lord, here I am.

Let me bear whatever griefs,
whatever suffering you should send my way
willingly as a reparation to thee,
for the wrongs I have done,
for the wrongs others do,
and for the conversion of hearts who do not love you.

Let each beat of my heart
be a prayer of love you you,
each breath I take,
a rememberance of Him who gives me breath,
each day granted
another chance to speak to you of my love,
each hour a celebration of the hope you give me,
each minute passing,
a thanksgiving of my joy at having been touched
by your love.

O Ocean of mercy,
whose love is big enough to embrace the whole world,
hide me in the depths of your heart forever.


Susan E. Stone, 2006

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Thursday, March 30, 2006

Meditation on God's Love 

O Living Flame of Love,
O Heart of Mercy beating,
O Bridegroom,
O Lover beyond my understanding,
holding me now in the palm of your hand,
the light of your love overwhelming.

No words to speak
in the embrace of the Beloved,
but such desire to be his,
as he would have me,
in the dazzling white
he would dress me in,
in the purity of heart
he would bring me to,
in the excellence he sees,
with his eyes,
a form I cannot yet fathom.

O Beloved Master,
walk always with me.
Teach me your ways,
that I might delight you
with my hunger to please you.
Feed me with your love
that I might feed others,
Robe me with your light
that I might learn to see
as you would have me see,
transform me
breath by breath
step by step,
for without you,
there is nothing else that really matters.

O Living Flame of Love,
O Heart of Mercy beating,
O Bridegroom,
O Lover beyond my understanding,
O God,
Be thou my vision,
this day, and always,

Susan E. Stone, 2006

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Saturday, December 10, 2005

O Come! 

O come!
O Jesus
O Light
O Hope of mankind,
God with us,
Who came as the poor child
of poor parents,
King of the universe
embracing his people,
You who come so often
in the guise of the irritating,
the unpleasant
the lowly
the needy
the ugly
the hurt
Come to me today,
as surely as you came that nativity night
and fill my heart
with the light of your love
that I may see with your eyes,
love with your heart,
touch with your touch,
when you come again in glory,
King of the universe,
Righter of wrongs,
Merciful judge,
Lord or Lords,
you might look into my heart
and say
"Yes, I know you.
Come to the wedding feast.".

Susan E. Stone, 2005

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Thursday, December 01, 2005

Domine, non sum dignus 

Domine, non sum dignus, ut intres sub tectum meum: sed tantum dic verbo et sanabitur anima mea.

Lord, I am not worthy,
how could I be worthy with all my darknesses and wounds,
worthy to greet you, Lord of the universe,
worthy to look upon you,
worthy to be here.

Only say the word and my soul shall be healed.

And now you call me Lord,
call me to step out in faith,
at this minute,
as bravely as the Centurion,
to step out in trust,
to step out in love,
in awe.
And now, my faith is on the line, Lord.
Let me say, Jesus I trust in you,
and mean it from the bottom of my heart.
Let me say, yes, Lord,
that even after 2000 years,
after all the travail and anger,
doubt and hurt
revolving around your name,
your followers,
your way,
I believe you are here,
here at this moment,
Emmanuel, God with us,
with us in the Eucharist.

Yes Lord, I know you are Lord,
O You who has pity for our soul-sickness,
our emptiness,
our hunger,
that Jesus sized hole in our hearts, aching,
waiting for you to say the word.

Only say the word, Lord,
only say the word,
that healing touch,
and I believe that you will come into my heart.

O Lamb of God,
O Bread of life,
You whose flesh is.real food,
You whose blood is real drink.
You who have called me, lost and underserving,
to your banquet,
You who sat me down,
dressed me in the white linen of a redeemed soul,
and now,
not because I could ever deserve it,
not because I could ever earn it,
not because of me,
but because of you,
But because of Love
but because you love,
you feed me with that, yourself,
which is the only thing that can heal me,
reconcile me,
make me whole.

I behold you, Lamb of God,
broken in the priest's hand.
I behold you at Calvary,
where you hang on the cross broken for love of me.
I behold you in the cenacle,
where you break the bread and say the words, "This is my body."
O Jesus!
My hope,
My King,
My God,
I am here, kneeling in adoration.
Be thou my life, my hope, my Lord.

Adore te devote, latens deitas!

Lord I am not worthy,
I can never be worthy,
but because you say the word,
but because you call me to you,
my soul will be healed.

Susan E. Stone, 2005

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Monday, October 11, 2004


O Lord,
infinite Ocean of Mercy,
our source,
our hope,
our truth,
help us this day to be your hands here
on this world
where the unmerciful nature
of the dark confronts us daily.

Help us this day to be lanterns of your light
and show those around us
that the dark
is not the truth
no matter how common
or prevalent.

Help us this day
to be beacons of your hope,
and by our love for you,
by our actions,
by our words
by the choices we make
may we show others the way
home to you.

Susan E. Stone, 2004


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