Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Verbum: a Meditation on Genesis 1 and John 1
et Verbum erat apud Deum,
et Deus erat Verbum.
In the beginning,
In that place before time was,
In that place before space was,
In that place before place was,
In that place was the Word.
With God,
Loving God,
Was God.
In principio creavit Deus cælum et terram.
Terra autem erat inanis et vacua, et tenebræ erant super faciem abyssi:
et spiritus Dei ferebatur super aquas
Before the Breath of God hovered above the waters,
Before the Spirit of God danced above the waters,
Verbum erat,
The Word was,
Before the gift of physical light,
In ipso vita erat,
et vita erat lux hominum,
The Word was the light,
With God,
Loving God,
Was God.
Et Verbum caro factum est,
et habitavit in nobis:
et vidimus gloriam ejus,
gloriam quasi unigeniti a Patre
plenum gratiæ et veritatis.
The Sole Begotton,
The Light of Men,
He who through all things were made,
and tented among us
to touch us with his glory.
Susan E. Stone, 2007
Labels: Loving God, Praise and Thanksgiving, scripture
Monday, February 26, 2007
Meditation on Matthew 5:3
one of the poor in spirit,
one who knows that you are the one I rely on,
not my strong hand,
you are the one who brings me what I need,
not my cleverness or strength,
you are the one who holds me in the night
when the darkness comes crashing down,
you are my hope.
Let me remember, O Lord,
how surrounded by things
I can be incredibly empty,
that crying "Me! Mine!"
opens up a pit that can never be filled,
how my real hunger can burn, unfed,
even as my body suffers from too much food,
how thinking I have the answers
leads me, once again, and again,
into the dust.
Help me nourish the knowledge
that You are the way
that brings me life, hope and happiness.
You are the source of living waters
that soothe the burning in my heart,
You are the Bread of Life
that feeds my aching hunger,
You are the Rock
who shelters me from the storm.
Lord, without you , I am naught!
Be Thou my king,
this day, and always,
Susan E. Stone, 2007
Labels: Discipleship, Help Me O Lord, scripture
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Teach Us
And I saw, and behold, a pale horse, and its rider's name was Death,
and Hades followed him;
and they were given power over a fourth of the earth,
to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence
and by wild beasts of the earth.
Revelations 6:8 RSV
Bombs that rock the crowded streets
fuel of hate that feeds the beast,
red of maw and black of heart
that longs to tear your soul apart,
Pale the horse that finds us here,
wrapped in anger, wrapped in fear.
Teach us, Lord the way to go
When we face this bloody foe,
To break the chains of hate and blight
To bring with us your own pure light
To still the crying in the night.
When anger blinds the heart of man
And hardness strides across the land,
Fields unplowed and hunger stalks
while Satan laughs at endless talks
how hard to find the ways of peace
to let the endless fighting cease.
Pale the horse that finds us here,
wrapped in anger, wrapped in fear.
Teach us, Lord, the way to see,
To be the tool of your mercy,
Fill us with your truth and might
That we might always choose the right
That stills the crying in the night.
The pale horse rides across the land
Death by gun and fire and hand,
Cain's dark madness sweeping wide
Brothers killed for greed and pride
Done for country, God and gold
The story is so very old.
Pale the horse that finds us here,
wrapped in anger, wrapped in fear.
Teach us Lord, to be your tool
Though others think we are the fool,
Walking with you in your light
Through sword and fire and angry fight
To still the crying in the night.
Susan E. Stone, 2007
Labels: Christian Living, Discipleship, man's inhumanity, scripture
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Meditation on Psalm 85:7-8
Let me hear what You will speak, O my Lord,
As I watch the smoke of war drift over the land,
As I watch the fire of wrath burn over the land,
Angry red in the midnight, the color of hate,
Speak to me, Lord, tell me it is not too late
For all those poor souls tripped up in the word --
the word that brings death.
Touch us today with your breath.
O Spirit of Holiness that brings life into dust.
So many hopes now the color of rust,
The color of dried blood on an old wooden cross
That offered life out of death, hope out of loss,
A love so intense it could burn away night,
Opening a path through hate's smoke, a straight line of sight
Into a steadfast tomorrow unmarred by Cain's blood,
Or Eve's choice -- rejected, unsought, splattered with mud,
Like You were the day You died.
How Your mother cried.
Touch us, O God, today with your breath,
As we near ever closer the valley of death
That one final night.
Bent with hell's unending anger at the world that you gave,
At the blood that you gave.
Hosanna, O save!
Help us share Your true light.
Susan E. Stone, 2007
Labels: current evils, Need for God, scripture
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Love Song (Meditation on Hosea 2: 16-17)
O Lord, again and again I hear you calling,
Serenading us in the night,
A lover who never gives up his playing,
Calling us until morning light.
It doesn't matter that we are enamoured
of things that turn our heads away,
How vain we flutter, chasing others,
You wait there patiently til light of day.
How easy we are to be distracted
by things that flash in candlelight,
Toys and glitter, that shine and dazzle,
Tinsel promises in the night.
We do not deserve a love like yours
That stands so true while we chase on
Who picks us up when tinsel breaks
And other loves have left and gone.
When lost in the desert of our dreams,
O let us here your love's sweet song,
And surrounded by our shattered dreams,
Help us know where we went wrong.
O allure us, we who need your love,
Until we rest our hearts with you,
Beloved Lord, open our hearts,
Let us hear your song anew.
You are the source of light and love,
My cold life shatters when we're apart.
Hold me forever in your arms,
All my joy springs from your heart.
Susan E. Stone, 2007
Labels: Jesus' Love, Loving God, scripture
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Meditation on Daniel 5:1-31
Upon life's trembling wall,
Carving letters made of light
To read, for one and all.
Counted, counted, weighed, divided --
The words He writes in warning.
O will you watch them fade away,
Forget ere comes the morning?
The writing is upon the wall,
Counted, weighed, divided --
O will the hand bring you to tears,
When you find out what's decided?
The book of life is in His hands,
Your actions tallied, all
O will you turn and walk away
Or listen to the call?
Counted counted are the cries
That rise to Heaven's door,
Mothers weeping in the night,
Their hearts a-breaking sore,
Hungry children, broken souls,
Forgotten, left to die,
God hears the pain that we let slide,
and marks down every sigh.
Weighed each answer to His call,
weighed each turn away.
Weighed each time we answer yes,
Weighed each quiet nay,
The answers written in His book,
the count made very sure --
The motives noted for each act,
greed or lust, or pure.
The day will come with trembling knees,
when we stand there at his call,
He will look within his book
to judge us one and all.
Each sheep and goat will take their place,
Each stand to left and right,
O will you name be in the place
of darkness or of light?
The writing comes as no surprise,
The Word gives out its warning.
No hidden scripts to puzzle out,
The truth as clear as morning.
Two thousand years God's made it clear,
Two thousand years and more.
O let His words work in your heart,
O open up the door!
Susan E. Stone, 2007
Labels: Judgment, Last things, Need for God, scripture
Lord, You Ask the Hardest Things Sometimes
Lord, you ask the hardest things sometimes,
to love those who hate us,
to act kindly towards those who wish to harm us,
to bless those who wish us dead.
O Lord, give me the strength
to break the chains of hate
that tie us to sin's blackness,
weighing us down with anger,
and pain,
breeding darkness from darkness,
grief from grief..
When I see the depths of anger and hate that surrounds us,
I recoil in fear and disgust and disbelief,
for such a thing comes not from above,
no matter how much they do it in the name of God,
or Peace,
or Right,
or Self-determination.
Such things come only from the pit.
Teach me how to be an instrument of your peace
In an era fraught with danger, hate and night.
Touch my hands that they may act in peace
your way, for your reasons.
Touch my lips, that they may say words of blessing
the way you would have it be,
even to those who would harm me.
Touch my heart
That I may learn how to act lovingly
Even when my mind screams out for blood,
Help me to do this because you asked it,
Help me to do this through your help,
Help me to do this for your glory,
This day, and always,
Susan E. Stone, 2007
Labels: Discipleship, Love of Neighbor, scripture
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Pax, Pax Vobiscum
Nations now rage across the world,
pax, pax vobiscum,
Sword in hand, flags unfurled,
Et cum spiritu tuo.
They stand for good, they stand for greed,
pax, pax vobiscum,
They rage over words, they kill over creed
Et cum spiritu tuo.
Voices weeping in the night,
pax, pax vobiscum,
breed new hates by morning's light.
Et cum spiritu tuo.
Daughters slain for father's pride
pax, pax vobiscum,
Mothers kill their child inside,
Et cum spiritu tuo.
Orphans are removed from sight,
pax, pax vobiscum,
Disappearing in the night.
Et cum spiritu tuo.
Dogs fed better than homeless man,
pax, pax vobiscum,
Ragpickers living where they can,
Et cum spiritu tuo.
God turned into sign of war,
pax, pax vobiscum,
A bloody mark upon the door,
Et cum spiritu tuo.
O who will break these chains of night,
pax, pax vobiscum,
And lead the weeping into light?
et cum spiritu tuo.
God has told you what to do
pax, pax vobiscum,
To live with Him and brothers, too,
et cum spiritu tuo.
Walk humbly with Him, hand in hand,
pax, pax vobiscum,
To find that peace across the land,
et cum spiritu tuo.
Know all you see are God's children,
pax, pax vobiscum,
Treat all like they belong to him,
et cum spiritu tuo.
Walk in the paths of justice right,
pax, pax vobiscum,
Love mercy like it's Heaven's light
et cum spiritu tuo.
Act lovingly to rich and poor,
pax, pax vobiscum,
And God will open wide his door.
et cum spiritu tuo.
The peace that comes from Heaven's touch
pax, pax vobiscum,
requires your all, returns so much,
et cum spiritu tuo.
This peace is passed from hand to hand,
pax, pax vobiscum,
across a dark and savage land
et cum spiritu tuo.
Nations may rage, but there within
pax, pax vobiscum,
You'll find God's peace where he's let in
et cum spiritu tuo.
Man may maim and man may kill,
pax, pax vobiscum,
The light of God will reach out still.
et cum spiritu tuo.
(pax, pax vobiscum = peace, peace be with you
et cum spiritu tuo = and with your spirit)
Susan E. Stone, 2007
Labels: current evils, Jesus' Love, man's inhumanity, Need for God, scripture
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."
Matthew 9: 35-38 RSV
Compassion -- to suffer with.
O Lord,
God with Us,
Who suffers with us,
Who feels our griefs,
Who knows our pains,
Who gifts us with his heart's own blood,
That we might know
That he knows,
That he understands,
That he cares,
That he loves.
O God with Us,
who knows the taste of frustration,
who knows how it feels to be misunderstood,
who knows the pangs of hunger,
who understands fear,
and sickness,
and sorrow
and pain.
O Lord, our Shepherd,
Open our hearts that we too might hunger
to share that compassion,
that suffering with our fellow man,
knowing as we do we suffer with you,
knowing as we do your work, we work with you,
knowing that as we give, we give to you.
O Lord,
make us the tools in your hand,
turn us into the workmen in your field,
the laborers for your harvest,
as you will,
in the way you will,
this day, and always.
Susan E. Stone, 2006
Labels: Emmanuel, Jesus' Love, scripture
Sunday, April 02, 2006
John 8:9-11
The fright had not yet drained from her eyes as they made their retreat.
Her dark kohl smudged eyes, looking worn and tired and resigned,
had not noticed their leaving,.
Instead, she huddled there, her heartbeat pounding in her ears
like a doe at the end of a hunt, wounded,
waiting for the last sharp blow that would carry her away into the darkness.
Yet, and yet.
How the chaos of her day faded, breath by breath.
A moment too many had passed, something had changed.
Finally, she shifted, daring to move, clutching her torn dress tightly.
Unbelieving at first, she noticed the rocks,
the rocks meant for her, the tools of her death scattered upon the sand.
Hope unsought, unexpected caught at her throat.
Glancing up, she saw him,
looking at her with a kindness that held no glimmer of lust
or lewdness or distaste or abuse,
a hand that helped her to her feet,
and the soft voice that offered new life.
O Lord, all of us are as guilty as she, deserving to be caught in the act,
pulled by rough, unforgiving hands to the place of our execution,
for we are all sinners, deserving to be displayed for what we are,
deserving to feel the stone's bite.
Yet and yet, O Lord,
you are our help when the darkness threatens,
our sure protector who lifts us out of the sands of death
O Lord, no matter how deep our stained souls,
if we are willing to look up into your loving eyes,
and like she did, find newness of life in your loving hands.
Labels: Jesus' Love, Need for God, scripture
Monday, January 16, 2006
The Exile's Song (based on Psalm 137)
the old songs of home,
songs of a happy time
before I did roam,
I'll hang up my harp
upon yonder tree,
break all the harp strings
before I'll sing to thee
the sweet songs of home.
How bright the waters here
beyond the trees
how cool the willow looks
in evening breeze,
but this is not my home
fair though it may be,
I long to see the hills
long known to me,
the sweet hills of home.
How can I sing the songs
long known to me
that I once learned at home
at mother's knee
In this strange place I'm in,
grieving for thee,
the home I always loved,
and long to be,
the sweet streets of home.
They ripped us from your side,
home of my heart,
and brought us many miles,
to keep us apart.
O Zion city fair,
I weep for thee
Far from my father's house,
lost now to me,
the sweet memory that's home.
Susan E. Stone, 2006
Labels: scripture
Sunday, December 25, 2005
That which was from the beginning
In the beginning was the Word
By the word of the Lord the heavens were made
And God said
By his breath the host of heaven
The Word that goes forth from God's mouth
We declare unto you the life, the eternal life which was with the Father
it shall not return to him empty.
The name he is called by is the Word of God
et Verbum erat apud Deum
And the Word was with God
Behold his glory
In him was life, and the life was the light of men
The only Begotten
et Deus erat Verbum
And the Word was God
And every knee shall bow
Verbum caro factum est et habitavit in nobis.
Susan E. Stone, 2005
Labels: Advent Nativity Epiphany, Emmanuel, scripture
Saturday, December 03, 2005
The Shepherd
O Lord,
you who know how much we need a shepherd,
who know how we stumble in the wilderness
without your guiding hand,
Be thou my shepherd.
In your care, under your peace,
only there are my needs truly met,
my deepest wants answered
in the pastures that your loving care provides,
through the waters of life that flow from your heart
to quench my aching soul,
restored by your loving touch.
On your paths of righteousness, O Lord,
is there hope, and salvation,
sure footing lit by you who are the Light,
even when the darkness closes in,
and death and its sorrow of parting,
pain and grief surround me,
your cross, the bright beacon that leads us onward,
the staff that proves our Shepherd's love,
is there to remind us
how you love, and how you care,
and how we need not fear,
for you hold us in the palm of your hands.
Surely, in your ways I will find mercy, and hope, and peace and joy,
Bid me dwell in your house,
O Shepherd of my heart,
O Lord of my life,
This day, and always,
Susan E. Stone, 2005
Labels: Good Shepherd, Need for God, scripture
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Meditation on Isaiah 11:10
On that day
the Root of Jesse
shall stand as a sign, a banner, a signal
to the nations,
and the Gentiles shall seek him, inquiring,
for his place of rest shall be glorious.
What sign did he give us?
A babe so poor
that he sleeps in a stable,
laid to rest in a feeding trough
for lack of a bed,
A babe so special
that the heavens could not contain their joy,
for Love had wrought what only Love can do,
Giving all in the name of Love,
no matter what the cost.
What sign did he give us?
A beacon on a hill,
Arms outstretched
in bloody sacrifice,
he the lintel,
he the blood offered
He the lamb consumed
in this new Passover,
for Love had wrought what only Love can do,
Giving all in the name of Love,
no matter what the cost.
What sign did he give us?
An empty tomb
A discarded shroud,
A promise fulfilled,
Hope in the darkness,
Joy in his touch,
for Love had wrought what only Love can do,
Giving all in the name of Love,
no matter what the cost.
O Jesus!
Where you are is the glory of God,
Be with me
O Love incarnate,
O Light,
O Peace,
O Hope,
This day, and always.
Susan E. Stone, 2005
Labels: Advent Nativity Epiphany, Jesus' Love, scripture
Monday, November 14, 2005
Sunrise (Meditation on Luke 18:35-43)
He could taste the dust in the air,
the sun on his back,
smell the touch of spring in the air,
and his his darkness,
He could hear the crowd gather near his usual place.
ignoring him, wrapped in darkness,
abuzz with talk about the teacher,
waiting for something different to do,
waiting, perhaps,
to fan the flame of hope,
to warm themselves by his fire,
this holy man,
this wonder,
this healer,
As the teacher drew near,
who had the kindness
to describe what was happening,
to feed that hope,
to help him to the right spot?
"Jesus, son of David, have pity on me!"
he cried as that hope burst into a roaring flame.
Others were not so kind,
pushing this useless beggar out of the way.
But the wildfire of his hope would not be silenced.
"Jesus, son of David, mercy!"
his voice rang out
as thrusts and pushes taunted his darkness.
A hush,
and the unkind hands fell away.
A kindly hand took his.
"Come, the master wants you," a kind voice said,
and led him through the darkness,
his heart beating like a drum,
the rocks crunching under his feet.
He could feel those eyes upon him,
he with no sight,
could taste the kindness of that smile.
"What do you want, friend? What can I do?"
"Lord, let me see!"
And in that moment, sunrise.
Lord, heal us
from our own blindnesses,
the darkness of our own willfulness,
and may we, too be brave enough to cry,
Lord, let me see!
and find in you our light.
Susan E. Stone, 2005
Labels: Jesus' Love, scripture
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Meditation on John 15:1-9
Every branch of mine that bears no fruit, he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. You are already made clean by the word which I have spoken to you. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.
I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. If a man does not abide in me, he is cast forth as a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire and burned.
If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you. By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be my disciples.
As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you; abide in my love.
John 15:1-9
O Jesus,
Apart from you,
I can do nothing.
What I try turns to dust,
for it does not have your life in it.
As part of you, as a branch on your vine,
I can do whatever you would have me do.
O Jesus, Master,
May the Father never take me away
as a worthless branch,
suited only for the fire,
dry and withered.
May each moment of your life in me
bring forth the fruit it should,
may the transformation of the Vinedresser
as He prunes and shapes,
form in me
the fruitful nature, the clean soul, the loving heart
you would have me to be,
this day, and always,
Susan E. Stone, 2005
Labels: Need for God, scripture
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Wood of My Cross
O Lord,
here, where the wood of my own cross
rubs agains my shoulders,
I begin to realize
that redemption had a real price,
that the blood flowing down your arms
was not theater decoration,
But you, Lamb of God
our pascal offering
the blood of atonement,
offered drop by drop
with each beat of your heart.
O Lord,
in my sorrow,
in my pain,
in the yielding up
of "not my will, but yours,"
I learn that true love
has real cost,
and grow more amazed
at the reality
of the price you were willing to pay.
Lamb of God,
who takes away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us
in our blindness
in our willingness to turn away,
in our willingness to disguise the reality
of what you gave,
what you wrought
what you suffered.
Lamb of God
who takes away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us
and give us the true sight
that will let us see
the reality of your love.
Susan E. Stone, 2005
Labels: Carrying My Cross, Lamb of God, Passion of Christ, scripture
Saturday, January 17, 2004
Thank you, Lord,
for being willing to be seen
in the company of sinners,
who you change in the transforming fire of your love
into the children of God.
You did not think it wrong
to call on the soul-sick,
nor break bread with those thought unworthy,
letting us know
God is God of the hurting
and weary
and angry
and needy,
not just the God of the few and the pure.
Teach us to open our arms wide
like you do
to pour out this great gift of love,
your salvation,
your care
upon all the sin-sick and weary
so that they too may know
the transforming fire of your touch.
Susan E. Stone, 2004
Labels: Praise and Thanksgiving, scripture
Friday, January 02, 2004
In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
In the beginning,
outside of time as we know it
before the clock of the universe started ticking
there you were,
The lover, the beloved, the love,
O my God.
And loving,
you began the clock
that led to this moment.
You brought us your light
to shine in our darkness,
to reveal the meaninglessness
we thought our lives to be,
who showed us the darkness
to be but shadows,
revealed to us the depths of your love,
your longing to bring us to you,
the price you were willing to pay.
You who created,
who breathed life into the lifeless world,
who, beyond all need to step into time,
came for love,
came to show us love,
came to be love for us.
Glory to you!
Susan E. Stone, 2004
Labels: Jesus' Love, scripture
Thursday, July 24, 2003
In Him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. John 1, 4-5 NRSV
Lord, you are indeed
the fount of all holiness,
a fountain of light
tried by the hand of darkness
and found unconquerable.
The midnight could not quench the light
even when locked into the earth,
but with the indescribable fire of love,
you burst forth,
to set your light as a beacon to all men.
O unrepressible Light,
O annealing power of God
that heals our imperfections,
make me a mirror,
grinding away all my imperfections
until I reflect your light to all those around me.
Susan E. Stone © 2003
Labels: Jesus' Love, scripture
Tuesday, July 22, 2003
He is the image of the invisible God.
(Colossian 1:15 )
O my Jesus,
seeing you
in all your joys and trials,
successes, and struggles,
it is comforting and amazing to know
that we see the love of our God in action.
You are no stranger who looks down on us
from heights we can never climb.
You know how it feels to be hungry
you know the taste of dust in your mouth
on a hot summer's day
and the need for that plain cup of water.
You understand how it feels to be tired,
or frightened,
or sad,
to be misunderstood
not only by strangers,
but by friends and family,
and those you care for most.
You are the god who understands why we tell jokes,
and can tell his own,
who knows the effects of a cup of wine,
and how to dance at a wedding.
You understand our tears,
the evil in men's hearts, even when they mean good,
and the good hidden in the hearts of evil men,
waiting to be brought to life.
And knowing all these things,
you still chose to die
that we might truly live.
Thinking of this,
I can only fall on my knees and say,
Praise the Lord and
Thank you!
Susan E. Stone © 2003
Labels: Jesus' Love, scripture
Wednesday, July 09, 2003
Lord, you hold everything in your hands,
and yet I think from time to time
that it is I who am in charge,
I who have to power to direct and control my destiny,
I who have the strength to get to where I want to be.
Those who depend on you,
although they may have little
have the greatest riches in the world,
for they have you.
Lord, I know that these veils
of self-sufficiency are just illusions.
It is by your strength that I am strong,
by your might that I have power,
by your love that I can love others.
May I always long to go where you want me.
Susan E. Stone © 2003
Labels: Discipleship, scripture, Trust
Wednesday, June 25, 2003
"Beloved, if God so loved us,
we must also love one another."
(1 John 4:11)
Teach me, Lord, to love when it's not convenient,
when I'd rather be doing something fun for me,
when the job is dirty and unpleasant,
when the person who needs me is mean, or frightning, or
ugly or greedy,
when I want to be angry and self-righteous,
when I hurt.
Teach me to look with your eyes,
full of compassion,
instead of mine,
full of me.
Susan E. Stone © 2003

Labels: Discipleship, scripture