Sunday, February 12, 2006

Bread of Life 

O Lord, Bread of life,
broken for the sins of others,
broken to feed the souls of all the sin-sick people of the world,
broken like a piece of bread
snapping in the hands of your servant,
Bread of life,
like that bread broken to feed the crowd,
unending supply until all were filled,
man, woman and child.
Fill me, O Bread of Life,
as I hunger and thirst for that righteousnes
only you can provide,
Bread of life,
Bread broken in your own hands
as you instituted that meal
which still feeds our souls long years after,
"Take" you say, "Eat."
Let me receive your goodness, O Lord,
Fill me with yourself -
I look and see the broken bread,
see the broken man,
as at that moment I am taken back to the place of the skull,
standing in the dust,
touched with the smell of blood,
and fear,
and grief,
and pain,
and looking up,
both to you in the white host,
broken in the priest's hands,
to you on the cross of calvary,
to you, at that last supper,
holding the bread that was you,
that is you,
that would feed your followers
and all the followers who followed them
until you come again in glory,
and watching, I know,
that here,
in this sacrifice,
this sacrament,
I find the peace that comes only from you,
and find the sure footing to my way home.


Susan E. Stone, 2006

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Thursday, December 01, 2005

Domine, non sum dignus 

Domine, non sum dignus, ut intres sub tectum meum: sed tantum dic verbo et sanabitur anima mea.

Lord, I am not worthy,
how could I be worthy with all my darknesses and wounds,
worthy to greet you, Lord of the universe,
worthy to look upon you,
worthy to be here.

Only say the word and my soul shall be healed.

And now you call me Lord,
call me to step out in faith,
at this minute,
as bravely as the Centurion,
to step out in trust,
to step out in love,
in awe.
And now, my faith is on the line, Lord.
Let me say, Jesus I trust in you,
and mean it from the bottom of my heart.
Let me say, yes, Lord,
that even after 2000 years,
after all the travail and anger,
doubt and hurt
revolving around your name,
your followers,
your way,
I believe you are here,
here at this moment,
Emmanuel, God with us,
with us in the Eucharist.

Yes Lord, I know you are Lord,
O You who has pity for our soul-sickness,
our emptiness,
our hunger,
that Jesus sized hole in our hearts, aching,
waiting for you to say the word.

Only say the word, Lord,
only say the word,
that healing touch,
and I believe that you will come into my heart.

O Lamb of God,
O Bread of life,
You whose flesh is.real food,
You whose blood is real drink.
You who have called me, lost and underserving,
to your banquet,
You who sat me down,
dressed me in the white linen of a redeemed soul,
and now,
not because I could ever deserve it,
not because I could ever earn it,
not because of me,
but because of you,
But because of Love
but because you love,
you feed me with that, yourself,
which is the only thing that can heal me,
reconcile me,
make me whole.

I behold you, Lamb of God,
broken in the priest's hand.
I behold you at Calvary,
where you hang on the cross broken for love of me.
I behold you in the cenacle,
where you break the bread and say the words, "This is my body."
O Jesus!
My hope,
My King,
My God,
I am here, kneeling in adoration.
Be thou my life, my hope, my Lord.

Adore te devote, latens deitas!

Lord I am not worthy,
I can never be worthy,
but because you say the word,
but because you call me to you,
my soul will be healed.

Susan E. Stone, 2005

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Monday, November 14, 2005

Meditation on the Lamb of God 

Behold the Lamb of God,
Behold him to takes away the sins of the world.

O Lord,
at that moment,
we are taken back,
standing in the dust,
touched with the smell of blood,
and fear,
and grief,
and pain,
and looking up,
both to you in the white host,
broken in the priest's hands,
to you on the cross of calvary,
to you, at that last supper,
holding the bread that was you,
that would feed your followers
and all the followers who followed them.

him who is Love Incarnate,
him, who to whom every knee will bow,
him, who was wounded for our transgressions,
him, who brings us back,
a re-presentation of that moment in time,
where he who was master,
bled for we who are slave,
on a slave's cross,
in a slave's death
so that we might live.

Blessed are we,
because he called us,
the undeserving,
the lost,
the ungrateful,
the cruel,
the lusting,
the sin-sick,
all called to be healed,

Lord, I will never be worthy to receive you under the roof of my soul,
but only say the word,
the word that heals,
the word that lifts me out of the dust of my deserved death,
and my soul,
so stained, aching and lost,
shall truly be healed.


Susan E. Stone, 2005

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Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Meditation on the Eucharist at Elevation 

O Light of Heaven
come down to earth,
come down in the guise
of translucent white bread
held in the hands of your priest,
for all your children to see,
those who believe,
those who deny,
but reality is what it is.

If they could but see,
My Jesus,
the light cascading out,
like a supernova
with tidings of peace and hope
and healing,
see the angel host
bowing down to the ground,
flashing their wings
in homage
and love
and overwhelming joy.

O Lord,
like a true lover
you come to us
waiting to be loved in return.

Fill our hearts with that radiant fire,
that joy that only comes from heaven,
until we, too,
fall to our knees,
and in response to our Lover's call,
our souls whisper,
adoro te,
amo te,
latens Deitas!

Susan E. Stone, 2005

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Sunday, January 16, 2005

Collection of Meditations on Jesus in the Eucharist 

I thought this collection of meditations I wrote about Jesus in the Eucharist might be appropriate now that the Plenary indulgence for Eucharistic meditation was announced. I don't normally re-run meditations, and I have sent all these out before, but I thought you might like them:

On Jesus in the Eucharist

O Bread of life,
You who offer yourself
to feed this sad, sin-sick world,
who joins us anew,
day after day
the living God
who comes to us in so fragile a form
that even a child may partake,
waiting patiently for those who love him,
waiting patiently to cure our sin-sick souls
with the light of heaven,
O blessed Lord,
I come to you,
unworthy but summoned,
undeserving, but loved.
I long to say,
Feed me, cure me, heal me,
I who have failed you time and again,
Yet when I see you there,
broken, poured out,
waiting for me,
all I can do is fall on my knees
in grief at my imperfection,
in awe of the depths of your love,
and only say
I adore thee,
I love thee,
help me to love thee more.

To Jesus in the Eucharist

Each time you come to us,
O Lord,
Body and blood,
Soul and Divinity,
in that simple guise of bread,
it is like a heartbeat of love,
coursing through our soul,
healing our wounds.
O Bread of Heaven,
Adoro te devote, latens Deitas!

Meditation on Jesus in the Eucharist

Oh my Lord,
I see you there, o Jesus,
in the form of bread,
so fragile,
so vunerable,
You, at whose name every knee will bow,
You, who sit at the right hand of the Father,
and yet are willing to come here,
feed us,
share with us,
wait with us.
You let yourself be broken
every day
for love of us.
Lord God,
Lamb of God
You take away the sins of the world,
yet to save our souls,
you feed us
with yourself.
O my hidden Jesus,
such a limitless love!
I weep with joy and sorrow,
I cringe with shame
but arise with wonder
that someone
would care so much,
would do so much
for someone
nowhere near worthy!

May We Remember

May we remember forever
the depth of your sacrifice,
the heart's blood you gave,
the pain you chose to bear.
all for love.

when we see you
in the guise of bread and wine,
so vunerable,
you who are king,
let us always feel amazed
at what you are willing to do,
all for love

Bread of Life

O Bread of Life,
whose very word can still
the storm raging in my soul,
who holds my life in the palm of his hand,
who washes me free from my sins,
who gives me his love without reserve,
who died in pain, the miserable death of a slave for love of me
who arose in marvelous glory, the firstfruits of his victory over death,
who forgives me,
who calls me home,
who feeds me with his own self that I might be made part of him forever

I fall down at your feet,
in gratitude and wonder and love.

Thank you Lord.

On the Eucharistic Lord at the Elevation

Lord, in your servant's hands,
you are lifted up,
high for all to see,
like so long ago, you were lifted up
upon the cross.
a spectacle meant to shame and kill,
but instead, brought life.

And in your priest's hands,
Glowing like a soft white beacon in the night,
you become our life,
the food for our famished souls,
the drink for our parched spirit
lost for too long in the desert.

O life-giving Master,
who feeds us again and again with his own self,
who waits day in and out
yet Lord of the universe,
to join us in joy
out of pure love.

Deo Gratis!

Susan E. Stone, 2003-2004

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Monday, November 08, 2004

Forgive Us Our Misuse of You, O Lord 

O Lord,
Please pierce the heart
of those who would use you,
body and blood, soul and divinity,
there in the form of bread,
food of the poor,
symbol and reality
of your love for us,
as a political statement
of their determination
to act in sin
pierce their hearts
with the reality of their wrongdoing,
and may they realize the enormity
of the wrong they do
and return in penance.

O Lord,
pierce the hearts of the priests,
the bishops,
and those entrusted
to lead us
with the reality of the wrong
that others do for political statement,
and may they be given wisdom
to act rightly,
the strength of heart
to stand up for the truth,
wisdom to recognize the right action,
and the fire of courage
that comes from the touch of your Holy Spirit.

O Lord,
help us, just the regular men and women
who love you,
to be willing to stand up and say,
This is wrong,
the wisdom to know how to act,
and the joy of being your witness.


Susan E. Stone, 2004

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Wednesday, January 07, 2004

On the Eucharistic Lord at the Elevation 

Lord, in your servant's hands,
you are lifted up,
high for all to see,
like so long ago, you were lifted up
upon the cross.
a spectacle meant to shame and kill,
but instead, brought life.

And in your priest's hands,
Glowing like a soft white beacon in the night,
you become our life,
the food for our famished souls,
the drink for our parched spirit
lost for too long in the desert.

O life-giving Master,
who feeds us again and again with his own self,
who waits day in and out
yet Lord of the universe,
to join us in joy
out of pure love.

Deo Gratis!

Susan E. Stone 2004

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Friday, January 02, 2004

On Jesus in the Eucharist

O Bread of life,
You who offer yourself
to feed this sad, sin-sick world,
who joins us anew,
day after day
the living God
who comes to us in so fragile a form
that even a child may partake,
waiting patiently for those who love him,
waiting patiently to cure our sin-sick souls
with the light of heaven,
O blessed Lord,
I come to you,
unworthy but summoned,
undeserving, but loved.
I long to say,
Feed me, cure me, heal me,
I who have failed you time and again,
Yet when I see you there,
broken, poured out,
waiting for me,
all I can do is fall on my knees
in grief at my imperfection,
in awe of the depths of your love,
and only say
I adore thee,
I love thee,
help me to love thee more.

Susan E. Stone, 2004


Monday, August 18, 2003

May We Remember

May we remember forever
the depth of your sacrifice,
the heart's blood you gave,
the pain you chose to bear.
all for love.

when we see you
in the guise of bread and wine,
so vunerable,
you who are king,
let us always feel amazed
at what you are willing to do,
all for love

Susan E. Stone

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Wednesday, August 13, 2003

On Jesus in the Eucharist

Each time you come to us,
O Lord,
Body and blood,
Soul and Divinity,
in that simple guise of bread,
it is like a heartbeat of love,
coursing through our soul,
healing our wounds.
O Bread of Heaven,
Adoro te devote, latens Deitas!

Susan E. Stone © 2003


Friday, July 25, 2003

Bread of Life

O Bread of Life,
whose very word can still
the storm raging in my soul,
who holds my life in the palm of his hand,
who washes me free from my sins,
who gives me his love without reserve,
who died in pain, the miserable death of a slave for love of me
who arose in marvelous glory, the firstfruits of his victory over death,
who forgives me,
who calls me home,
who feeds me with his own self that I might be made part of him forever

I fall down at your feet,
in gratitude and wonder and love.

Thank you Lord.

Susan E. Stone © 2003


Thursday, July 17, 2003

Meditation on Jesus in the Eucharist

Oh my Lord,
I see you there, o Jesus,
in the form of bread,
so fragile,
so vunerable,
You, at whose name every knee will bow,
You, who sit at the right hand of the Father,
and yet are willing to come here,
feed us,
share with us,
wait with us.
You let yourself be broken
every day
for love of us.
Lord God,
Lamb of God
You take away the sins of the world,
yet to save our souls,
you feed us
with yourself.
O my hidden Jesus,
such a limitless love!
I weep with joy and sorrow,
I cringe with shame
but arise with wonder
that someone
would care so much,
would do so much
for someone
nowhere near worthy!

Susan E. Stone © 2003


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