Monday, February 27, 2006

In Innocence They Wait 

In innocence, they wait,
Snuggled deep in the warm comfortable darkness
Of the one who should love them like no other human,
Conceived in a moment of unthinking passion,
Unplanned for, undesired,
Two hundred and fifty lives out of the thousand,
Children who could shape the future,
Heros who could save the day,
Lives that would make a difference
Snuffed out,
Their beginning an end.

In innocence, they wait,
Not realizing what they are in the eyes of others -
A crisis for the man who would not be a father,
A problem to be solved for one who has no time to mother
A sudden panic in the life of a child too young for the games she has been playing.

In innocence, they wait,
Seranaded by the beating of a heart turned against them,
Of the decision made that hides the the truth of who they really are,
Their small lives too short for words to begin to give them voice -
There will be no screams when the shattering moment arrives
When their dark, pleasant shelter becomes a death trap beneath white antiseptic lights
And cruel hands, ignoring the fear and pain that overwhelms them,
Pull them into that other dark from which there is no return,

Innocence dies,
But the pain, though, echos on,
In the battered heart of one who chose wrong.

Kyrie eleison.

Susan E. Stone, 2006

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Friday, July 11, 2003

A Prayer for Children

Sweet Blessed Mother,
O Mary, mother of us all,
This morning I pray
For all the babies conceived to be biosamples,
For all the children ripped from their mothers' wombs,
For all the children abandoned by their parents at
For all the children dumped by their families and left
to fend for their own in cities throughout the world,
For all the children kidnapped to be soldiers in wars
they cannot understand,
For all the children who live under the threat of
abuse, physical, mental and sexual,
For children starving because of famine or neglect,
For children killed by local authorities because they
are embarrassed by the numbers of abandoned children
haunting their streets,
For children killed by people because they belonged to
the wrong faith, wrong color or wrong ethnic or
political group,
For children accused of socery to excuse their parents'
problems, and then tortured or abandoned,
For children forced to work in unsafe conditions,
For children growing up starved of knowledge of God,
For children growing up starved of love.

Keep them under your mantle, Blessed Mother,
May we never forget how much they are loved by your Son,
And may my eyes always be open
to ways to help them.

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