Thursday, March 29, 2007
Prayer For Victims
those chosen as easy targets by weakness, poorness, age
Injured through life by those who chose selfishness and lust and greed,
Indifference, revenge, selfrighteousness and all the other seed
We use to harm each other.
Lord hear our prayer.
We pray, O Lord,
For all those babies conceived, never to see the day,
for all those killed through violence because they were in the way
for all those touched by terrorism, exploding in the night
for all those harmed by their loved ones, their pain in open sight
for all those marred by war, and the chains of hate it breeds,
for all those who die marked by our indiference as we ignore their needs,
Lord hear our prayer.
Forgive us, O Lord,
For all those times when we did the deed,
Turning our backs on someone we knew was in need,
For all those times when we were hurried, late, or busy
And pretended as we walked on that we just didn't see
For all the times we let injustice pass us by without a sound,
Knowing some other spokesperson was sure to be found,
For all those times we didn't think to share,
Deceiving ourselves, perhaps, because we didn't really care.
Forgive us for all those times we said the word we knew would hurt,
Wanting to see our enemy wallowing in the dirt.
For all those times we didn't write the letter, pay a visit, make the call,
for all those times we had to be right even if it meant hurting one and all.
Forgive us, Lord, for those we've touched by our own wrongdoing,
when we could have been the tool of your choosing.
Lord, hear our prayer.
Lord, teach us this day to see the need, to feel our brother's pain,
To see with eyes touched by not by dark, but with your light again,
To know that in our brother's ills, you touch our hearts with light
By letting us care for you by caring for his plight.
Forgive us, Lord our hardness, and take our hearts of stone,
And give us hearts that know your love and that you keep as your own.
Susan E. Stone, 2007
Labels: Love of Neighbor, Penitence
Forgive Us
Our pride in our own strength and guile,
our cold-hearted lack of humility,
Our casting your image in our own personal style,
As we preen proudly at all our ability,
And look at the world and gleefully smile
Forgive us our high-handed facility
thinking how much better we are than our brothers.
Forgive us of our selfishness, O Lord
our eyes that see how deep the need,
the grief and the pain of those who share this place,
But we go shopping for fun while our brothers bleed,
So busy to get into the next fad and race
To show how cool we are and explain away our greed
by focusing on the unworthiness of the needy.
Forgive us our coldheartedness, O Lord,
When we hear the story of how you died,
How you took our stripes and bore our sin -
As the earth quaked and your mother cried.
And though your death amazed the hardened centurion
We sit there unmoved, bored, dried eyed
And ungratefully trying to ignore the reality.
Soften our hearts, O Lord, I pray
Open our eyes this very day.
Susan E. Stone, 2007
Labels: Mercy on Mankind, Need for God, Penitence
Monday, March 26, 2007
The Price
When You changed the world for sinners like me
As You carried that horrendous burden of sin all the way
On Your sinless, torn and battered back to set us free.
The unrighteousness of others rested upon Your head
On You, the Son of righteousness, the Father's gift from above,
The dark sin of mankind wanted You dead
To put out your light,You who are all love.
And yet, by carrying all that darkness to the grave
You opened that path that would reach out and save.
O Lord, my light and my hope, let me think of the crowd,
And know it was my sins joining the cry
Of angry men in the courtyard screaming so loud
Demanding the cross, that You had to die.
Let me think of the whip slapping hard as it flails --
How my sin was there in the stripes that it left,
Let me know that my hand hammered the nails,
My sins caused pain for your Mother, bereft.
Through all the times I have chosen sin over right,
I was there with the crowd there to darken your light.
O Lord my salvation, all the days of my life
Let me never take for granted the gift that you give,
the pain and the sorrow, the mocking, the strife
that you bore for me so that my soul might live.
Instead let me offer you at the foot of your cross
the tears of my remorse, bitter as gall,
Repentance of heart for the hard cruel loss
You gave to save me, to redeem one and all.
I offer the sighs of my heart, O Bridegroom divine,
For the love that you have for this poor heart of mine.
Susan E. Stone, 2007
Labels: Jesus' Love, Passion of Christ, Penitence
Sunday, March 25, 2007
The Whip
three thongs of leather braided together, each thong capped with a biting tip.
How they gathered together,the soldiers there, with blows of anger and mocking,
Twisted together the wreath of thorns in jest for a brutal crowning.
How unfairly condemned you were that day with two thieves at your side --
Yet by all of this, the blood you shed, and the hard death that you died,
you wrought our salvation.
Still today we hold the soldier's whip so tightly in our grasp,
Hearing the leather hit your back and your breath's quick choking gasp,
the flagellum with its biting teeth flailing through the air
The blood from the crown we weave anew dripping down in your hair
each time we choose to hurt, to have the final say,
each time we chose to have by force, intent on just our way,
each time we ignore the need, and choose to gloat instead,
each time that we laugh at good, and wish another dead
instead of longing for your salvation.
Have mercy, Lord, on the hardness of our heart,
The many many sins and darknesses that tear this world apart,
Warm us in spite of our coldness, so that we might heal instead of harm,
to bless instead of curse with your strength in our strong arm,
to love instead of hate, when anger fills our life,
to be your word of peace instead of tools of strife,
to be the the tools of your salvation.
Instead of the whip, O Lord of life, give us hands of peace,
Give us true repentance to make that harsh whip cease.
Forgive us all our hardness that beats you more and more,
O with your grace, O Lord of Love, may we may go and sin no more,
rescued by your salvation.
Susan E. Stone
Labels: Man's Sinfulness, Passion of Christ, Penitence
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
for speaking hate and
acting as if humor excuses it.
Forgive us, Lord,
for acting as if words we spin
make the reality,
excusing all wrongdoing.
Forgive us, Lord,
For acting as if our personal wishes
are all that we need
do decide if something's right
or horridly wrong.
Forgive us of being so eager
to make a monster of the person
who does not agree with us.
Forgive us in our refusal
to see each and every one on earth
as created by God,
and thus worthy of consideration.
Forgive us in turning you into a clown,
a puppet we can use to get our way.
Forgive us for using you as a weapon
to turn hardhearted away from our brothers,
to strike the other cheek
as if in holy retribution.
Help us cling to your light,
even as the world has us grasped by the ankles,
pulling us into that cesspool of night.
Susan E. Stone, 2007
Labels: Penitence
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Have Mercy
who emptied yourself out to become our Emmanuel,
who walked our dust,
felt our pain,
have mercy on us.
Forgive us of our rage.
Jesus Christ, Son of God and son of Mary,
Who walked this earth,
suffered the hurts that life thrusts upon us,
the slings of undeserved wrongs,
have mercy on us.
Forgive us our desire to hurt as we are hurt.
Susan E. Stone, 2007
Jesus Christ, who wept tears of blood in the garden of olives,
wrapped in the shadows of night,
the shadows of others' sin,
grieving under the weight of what evil man can do,
grieving under the weight of doing the Father's will,
have mercy on us.
Forgive us our desire to do as we would do, no matter the cost.
Jesus Christ, who bore stripes that we might be healed,
mocked and crowned with thorns
as an amusement for the hard men who kept you captive
Forgive us our coldheartedness at the sight of our brother in need.
Have mercy on us.
Jesus Christ, who was accused unjustly before the High Priest,
condemned in an unfair trial,
turned over to those who would kill you as a pawn,
Forgive us our eager willingness to be unjust, unmerciful.
Have mercy on us.
Jesus Christ, executed for no wrongs of your own,
but who died willingly to save us all,
the lost sheep of your flock,
Forgive us our ungratitude.
Have mercy on us.
O Lord, in the midnight, whisper to our hearts
the truth of a love like no other,
may the scales fall from our eyes,
and bring us to true contrition,
knowledge of what we are,
what we are worth,
and what you would have us to be,
and may we, in response learn to love
in mercy, gentleness and humility
this day and always, Amen.
Labels: Mercy on Mankind, Need for God, Penitence
Monday, March 05, 2007
Children of Your Mercy
Forgive us our determination
to make our wants,
our needs,
our longs
to be the word that you ask of us
instead of listening to the word
you speak into our hearts,
how to live as children of your light,
children who forgive,
who love,
who stand as your peacemakers.
Forgive us, Lord,
of all the times
we have used you, like a club,
to beat our enemies,
to force our way,
to wallow in self-righteousness
that is not built on your righteousness,
but our need to control.
Touch our hearts, O Lord,
help us see,
help us know,
help us walk as children of Your mercy,
this day, and always,
Susan E. Stone, 2007
Labels: Being Merciful, Penitence
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Meditation on Matthew 5:4
Hear my prayer,
the prayer of all of us who mourn,
touched with the darkness of a life touched with loss,
O Lord,
Open my heart
to that sorrow which goes beyond remorse,
beyond self-pity,
beyond that aching sense of loss,
to that healing place of true contrition,
Where, touched by Your healing hand,
I can say, "Forgive me, for I have sinned,"
And hear Your ever loving voice say "Welcome home."
Susan E. Stone, 2007
Labels: Need for God, Penitence
Thursday, February 22, 2007
in a place where no pretense is allowed.
You know me for what I am,
each area I try to masquerade my weaknesses,
each nook in which I try to hide my sins,
each way I try to cling to what I, not You want of me.
Here I stand, Lord, tasting my tears
as the realization of what I do that separates us
is revealed, veil by veil, through your kind hand.
Forgive me of my hardness,
the lack of love I let mar the creature you would have me be.
Forgive me of my obstinance,
the willingness to forget that I am a creature, not the Creator,
the pretention to being in control,
the desire to build walls to separate me from Your will for me.
Here I stand, Lord, open my heart
and let me see with Your eyes the darkness in my life.
And through Your loving light,
let those blemishes be cleaned and healed,
until I see my fellow man the way you would have me see,
until I turn to you, my Life and my Hope,
first, last and always,
so that I may learn, through Your loving power,
to walk the way You want me,
for Your glory,
this day and always, Amen.
Susan E. Stone, 2007
Labels: Need for God, Penitence
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
I Cry to Thee
the darkness of my sin,
the darkness of being separated,
the darkness of doubt,
of choosing self over God,
the depths of my own hubris,
I cry to thee, O Lord -
Have mercy!
You, the last anchor I know,
the first truth that I learned,
the light I long for,
the truth I hunger for --
You, Lord,
You who I have slighted so often,
You who knows my every move,
You who knows,
You -
I cry to Thee -
Forgive me, O Lord, in your mercy.
O Lord, hear my prayer.
Lord, hear my voice,
You who hear all,
You who cry out in the garden for the weight of all our sin,
You who offer your wrists up to the executioner's nails,
You who offer your back to the scourge,
Your face to the mocking,
You who hear me crying out in the darkness
when I think it is only me,
But it is always, always two,
You and I.
In the bitterness of my tears,
Through my remorse, the haze of self-pity,
awaken my heart, O Lord,
forgive me my failings --
change me!
In the sorrow for my shortcomings,
I kneel here,
tasting the ashes of my pretensions in the light
where You show me my reality,
heal me!
In the darkness of my grieving,
shaking with the pain of loss,
when You let me know that I am but dust,
and You are life,
and You are reality,
and I am not master,
hold me, O my Lord.
Mold me,
Shape me,
and let me be
as You would have me to be,
transformed by Your love
a love big enough to give all
a love big enogh to drink the dregs of sorrow
a love big enough
to transform the whole world,
tear by tear
to bring that final joy.
Labels: Humility, Need for God, Penitence
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Dust and Ashes
like the charred remains of all my good intentions,
the words I want to say dry up, blow away,
I am left here, speechless, my heart a bare indention,
an empty thumbprint.
Kyrie eleison.
Dust and ashes - from dust we are made,
And it is your breath that gives that dust a soul,
A reason to reach out and touch before we fade
back into that dust, a purpose and a goal
so often unfulfilled.
Kyrie eleison.
Today I know the taste of dust, of what my flesh will be,
Hear my stumbling voice that cries out, wordless, lost,
Today I taste the ashes of my remorse, and see
How empty the cup, how painful is life's cost,
Spent in self-deception.
Kyrie eleison
Today, in the sackcloth and ashes of a pierced heart,
I kneel down before you, all wordless dust, and broken soul,
Forgive my self-deceptions and sin that keep us apart,
Forgive my dry and dusty self that longs to be whole
In the palm of your hand.
Kyrie eleison
Susan E. Stone, 2007
Labels: Penitence, Prayer for Mercy
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Open This Day My Heart
And let me see the truth of my being
Those darknesses I hold in my heart,
The hard places I see without seeing.
Throw open the dark and let in your truth,
The saving touch of your light,
Restore me, make me white as wool,
Clean to stand in your sight.
How often it is that I miss the mark,
Fall short of the way you would send me,
My good intentions crumble like dirt,
As I let in the darkness to bend me.
It is only by clinging here to your cross,
That I can find help for my falling,
Only by standing up and facing my wrongs
Can my life answer your calling.
O help me see clearly where I go wrong,
Bring your light into my life.
Strip away all the veils that I wrap me in,
Thy Spirit sharper than any knife.
O Lord of my life, shape me and mold me,
Forgive me my failings this day.
O cleanse me and make me the way that you would
Make me all yours, this I pray.
Susan E. Stone, 2007
Labels: Discipleship, Penitence
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Lord, Forgive Us
forgive us,
a wayward and sin-stained mankind,
for the sin of letting angry people
rise among us,
setting them free
to kill the innocent
for love or lust,
for greed,
for self-righteousness,
for power,
for the sake of politcal stance,
for honor,
out of impatience and frustration,
sometimes, even, in your name.
O Lord,
how the blood of Abel calls out,
joined by so many others,
such a loud cacaphony of human darkness.
Today, O Lord,
I offer up my remorse to you,
my tears,
for each life snuffed short,
each family twisted,
each mournful keening
echoing through the millenia,
the sackcloth and ashes of my lone heart
in repentance and sorrow at what we have wrought.
O Lord,
on this dark day,
I pray for your voice to touch each and every heart,
and show us what we do in truth,
help us to recoil from the blacknes we have wrought,
until we repudiate the darkness
and choose your light.
Susan E. Stone
Labels: current evils, Need for God, Penitence
Monday, April 03, 2006
Evening Meditation on the Death of Christ

O my Jesus,
I contemplate your poor battered face this evening,
Your hair sticky and wet from the blood beneath your crown,
your cheeks bruised and bloodstreaked,
your nose swollen.
I behold the King on his way to his betrothal,
in just those garments that show
the depth of your love,
how far you are willing to go
in pursuit of you bride,
what a bride price you are willing to pay
to dress her in the dazzling white you promised.
Let me contemplate this gift,
and not forget the pain throbbing through your body
because of me, and all like me,
brother and sister in our lack of holiness,
pain you bear willingly,
pain rooted in our lack of perfection,
and our turning away from your light,
pain rooted in our hunger for good twisted into things we should not want,
all braided together like the thorns you wear around your head.
How heavy this burden you carry
on that abused but precious head, O Lord,
and I, with all of mankind, heaped that burden on you,
hammered the thorns into your flesh,
mocked you for who you are,
King and Bridegroom for an unfaithful world.
What reparations could I make
that would make this reality go away?
But, pricked to the heart,
I offer you my tears,
and grief at the necessity,
and bowing before you,
offer you the little love I have,
my heart,
my abject sorrow,
and eternal gratefulness at your willingness to love.
Susan E. Stone, 2006
Labels: Jesus' Love, Passion of Christ, Penitence
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Out of the Depths
the darkness of sin,
the darkness of being separated,
the darkness of doubt,
of chosing self over God,
the depths of hubris,
I have cried to thee,
O Lord,
the last anchor I know of,
the first truth that I learned of,
the light I long for,
the truth I hunger for
he who I have slighted,
he who knows my every move,
he who knows,
Lord, hear my voice,
you who hear all,
you who weep in the garden
for the weight of all our sin,
you, who offer your wrists up to the nails,
your back to the scourge,
your face to the mocking,
you hear me,
crying in the darkness,
when I think it is only me,
and it is always two,
you and I.
In the bitterness of my tears,
you awaken my heart,
change me!
In the sorrow of my shortcomings
when you show me my reality,
heal me!
In the darkness of my grieving,
when you let me know that I am but dust,
and you are reality,
hold me,
mold me,
and let me be
as you would have me to be,
by your love
a love big enough
to transform the whole world,
tear by tear.
Susan E. Stone, 2005
Labels: Need for God, Penitence
Saturday, October 30, 2004
Forgive us, O Lord
of all the times
that we have been part of the problem,
in choosing to turn our backs
to the needs of those you sent our way,
in choosing not to look into the eyes
of the poor,
the weary,
the lost
in choosing to pretend the anger
wasn't real,
the injustice wasn't done,
the truth wasn't twisted.
Help us, O Lord
to see with your eyes,
to hear with your ears,
to love with your heart.
O Heart of mercy,
big enough to embrace this whole
sinsick and weary world,
have mercy on us.
Susan E. Stone, 2004
Labels: Divine Mercy, Penitence
Thursday, September 23, 2004
To Our Lady of Sorrows
Mother of Consolation,
let me sit with you here
at the foot of the cross,
watching what your son
was so willing to give,
a gift of fathomless generosity,
drop by blood drop,
breath by breath,
minute by minute.
O Lady of Sorrow,
so often,
how I long to scream,
to rant,
to act on my anger
when given my cross,
yet help me, Mary,
to bear, like you,
the griefs,
the hurts,
the depth of pain,
as part of the sacrifice,
saying Yes to God,
and joining your Son's prayer,
Not my will, but God's.
O Mother of Sorrow,
Lady of Consolation,
bring me here to weep
when the moments are dark,
and what is real and lasting
gets confused
with the passing, temporary,
and I need to know what is true,
and what counts,
and what matters.
And what matters is this,
the look in my Savior's eyes,
as he gives all,
and asks me to give all,
good, bad, indifferent,
and waits for me
to let him transform me.
O Blessed Mother,
pray that I
will always have the strength
to meet those eyes
and say Yes.
Susan E. Stone, 2004
Labels: Mary, Mother of Sorrows, Passion of Christ, Penitence
Sunday, April 04, 2004
Thoughts on the Passion
Dear Jesus,
Bring to mind often
that sad, holy, day,
when you carried that horrendous burden
sin of the world
on your sinless, torn and battered back,
the unrighteousness of others
on you, the Son of righteousness,
the hatred and evilness of selfish lack of love
on you who were all love,
all that darkness
on the shoulders of you who are always the Light.
O Lord,
let me think of the crowd,
and know it was my sins
that set them screaming for your blood.
let me think of the whip
that my sin drove to cut your skin,
let me know that my hand
hammered the nails
through all the times I have chosen
to do wrong, not counting the cost.
Let me never take for granted
the pain, the grief, the sorrow
of what you did.
Instead let me offer you
the tears of my remorse,
the sighs of my heart,
and know how much I am loved,
now and forever.
Susan E. Stone, 2004
Labels: Passion of Christ, Penitence
Monday, March 08, 2004
To Our Mother of Sorrows
how often I come here and kneel at your feet,
and see those sorrow-filled eyes
staring up
at the suffering and battered
face of your son,
and still,
you are able to take my hand,
and give it that little squeeze
that says, Have courage.
O Mother of Sorrows,
How often I come here,
and weep all my misery out on your shoulder,
filled with guilt and grief and remorse,
knowing full well the burden
that I have laid on your blessed Son's back,
and still you hold me close,
and comfort me.
O Mother of Sorrows,
How often I have come here,
wanting to comfort you
in your sorrow and your loss,
and found myself overcome with remorse and sadness
over what your son
chose to do that I might live,
and find myself comforted by the one I longed to aid.
O Mother of the Word Incarnate,
Thank you for despising not my petions,
but in your mercy,
hearing and answering me.
Susan E. Stone, 2004
Labels: Mary, Mother of Sorrows, Passion of Christ, Penitence
Friday, October 17, 2003
Prayer for Forgiveness
our cold-hearted lack of humility,
the high-handed way
we look at those around us
and secretly smile,
thinking how much better that they we are.
Forgive us of our selfishness,
our eyes that see how deep the need,
yet look unmoved,
who explain away our greed
by focusing on the unworthiness of the needer.
Forgive us our coldheartedness
When we are reminded of what you did
so that we could live
and yet sit there unmoved,
dried eyed,
Soften our hearts, O Lord,
that your spirit of love may transform the world!
Susan E. Stone, 2003
Labels: Mercy on Mankind, Penitence
Wednesday, July 16, 2003
Ecce Homo
before the haughty Roman judge,
Behold, says Pilate.
So frail you seem,
as you lift your bloodied head
and look upon this gathered crowd,
hungry as jackals.
Bruised and battered, the face
that looks out over the assembly
gazes not with hot hatred
or numb resignation of the broken,
nor self-pity,
but with love
and grief
and an unfathomable caring
that yearns to heal each of us.
Lord, I am not worthy to meet your gaze.
Have I not, like Peter,
denied you?
Or like Judas, betrayed you;
Time after time, have I not
added to your stripes,
pierced your head
with the hard thorns of an unloving heart?
And yet here you stand,
pouring yourself out like a drink offering,
letting the cup be drained
until nothing is left.
Lord, you said the word to heal me -
let me never forget the price you paid.
Susan E. Stone © 2003
Labels: Passion of Christ, Penitence