Monday, April 09, 2007

The Tomb Was Empty 

Soft as a murmur,
passed from ear to ear
from those who had known him,
had followed him
had cared.

The tomb was empty.

Some no doubt,
went to see the place,
a garden tomb,
its stone rolled away,
not in place.

The tomb was empty.

Guards were questioned
who ran away,
facing death
but what could they say?

The tomb was empty.

A certain glow
was upon her face,
That woman who followed him
to the cross that day,
then to his burial place.

The tomb was empty.

Those who ran
and hid away,
something changed them
come that first Sunday.

The tomb was empty.

Like the faintest sound
gathering force
a whisper, a soft voice
growing louder
a thundering chorus:

The tomb is empty!


Susan E. Stone, 2007

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Sunday, December 18, 2005

Mary's Son 

Perfect little baby,
Mary's little son,
lying in her loving arms
While Joseph looks on,
The joy of his mother,
God's only son,
and the heavens sing out their song
while shepherds look on.

Wondrous young man,
Mary's little son,
sitting in the temple
while the teachers looked on.
Frightened was his mother
for God's only son,
Feeling how the sword would feel
As she searched on.

Battered was his body,
Mary's precious son
as they pulled him off the cross
as soldiers looked on.
The sorrow of his mother
for God's only son
when they laid him in her lap
so hard to look on.

Empty was the tomb
Gone was Mary's son
when the stone was rolled away
as soldiers ran on.
The joy of his mother
for God's only son
Still echos in that empty tomb
As Heaven sings on.

Susan E. Stone, 2005

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