Mail Lists: (All Lists that I moderate or co-moderate) Prayer for Those Called Prayer for Those Called - this list is for prayer support especially for priests, those in religious life, seminarians, those discerning a call to the religious life or a call to an apostolate. Dedicated to St. Jean Vianney, Patron of Parish Priests and St. Benedict, Patron of those in Religious Life This list will include support for our Vocation Discernment/Seminarian Prayer Support list You may either join the
list or send an email for us to add the name of any priest, deacon,
religious, seminarian, or person discerning a call, and we will add his
or her name to our list published every Thursday. You can read
this list from the website without joining.
![]() Click to join prayer_support_priests_religious_discerning Catholic Meditations and Ruminations Mail List If you would like to sign up to be on a read-only mailing list to receive new poems, prayers and meditations and prayer requests as they are added, you can go here to subscribe: ![]() Click to join Cathmedrum Catholic Devotional Discussion Mail List This is list a place to come and share devotions and prayers, ask questions, discuss issues of the day, and contact other Catholics in a forum that is faithful to the Magisterium and the Catechism. ![]() Click to join cathdevo Militia Mariae Paci - Mary's Army for Peace is an e-group open to all children and lovers of the Blessed Virgin Mary.We are an army because we intend to wage war with our ancient and perennial enemy who is Satan by prayer and spreading the God's Word. We are for peace for we seek peace in our own lives and we desire to spread it to the people around us by prayer and meditation. ![]() Click to join MilitiaMariae |