Saturday, April 21, 2007

Today, O Lord 

Today, O Lord,
You must be my hope,
for my heart is dark with grief,
and my joy shadowed with sorrow,
and my thoughts are heavy
and my eyes are stung with tears.
When I have no earthly hope to lift me up,
no easy light to brighten me,
I know that my true hope
lies there in your heart,
pulsating with a love I cannot begin to fathom,
guarded from all ills.

Today, O Lord,
You must be my light,
for my world reeks of grayness and salt,
heavy clouds that hide the beauty,
fog that shrouds the heart.
I walk in the darkness,
eyes blinded,
Yet in simple trust, I know
that my true light lies there in your heart,
A burning beacon that can pierce through the deepest dark,
giving sight to the blind
bringing the unexpected dawn.

Susan E. Stone, 2007

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