Monday, November 08, 2004


how much you are still
a sign of contradiction,
and some create
such interesting masks
to clothe your reality.

For some,
the mask
a sign of ignorance,
being backwards,

For some,
the mask is
an enlightened teacher,
a guru,
or the mask of a prophet,
the mask of a revolutionary
who lived and died
and that was enough.

For some,
we see the light behind the masks
man makes.

Help us see behind the masks we make,
and stripped of all we add,
may we find that you are Emmanuel,
God with us,
suffering and dying
that we might live,
and might have that life abundantly
in your peace,

and in seeing,
may those of us
who have experienced
the truth of your reality
be signposts
for those
who look at the masks
of their own creation.


Susan E. Stone, 2004


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